About Paul Kelly
Paul grew up in 1970s High Wycombe when sherbet flying saucers cost 2½ p a hundred weight and platform shoes were both cool and great for toe-punting footballs.
He lays no claim to having books published in multiple languages. He’s taught karate in Tibet and Bolivia, half-built swimming pools in Sydney and recently worked as a surveyor in Soho.
The Man on the Rubber Balloon or Optimism is the first book in The Colombian Connection trilogy, a series of narco thrillers set in South America. All proceeds from sales of the first book go to Young Minds (the UK's leading mental health charity). The sequel – The Man with the Silver Beretta or Redemption – was published on 25th Nov 2023. The last book, The Man who ruled the World or Downfall is taking shape.
Paul lives in the Chilterns with his wife and ancient cat. When he finds time he mixes tracks and records music on his Yamaha U30 piano.